About Us

expression  //  discovery  //  development



I am Ben Jaye.

I create.

This is my clothes store; this is my fashion line.


Fashion is more than just clothes.

Clothes are made in numerous stages:

  • Concepts
  • Designs
  • Clothing Item Selection
  • Fabric
  • Sewing / Stitching
  • Printing

An individual is also made in numerous stages:

  • Influences
  • Thoughts
  • Words
  • Choices
  • Actions
  • Reactions


As I wear clothes, I display the various elements that have created those clothes.

As I live life, I display the various elements that have created my life.


Fashion is self-expression. Fashion is self-discovery. Fashion is self-development.



Ben Jaye  //  The Soda Shoppe  //  2020